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Biblioteca Germană
Shakespeare Corner
Centrul de Documentare Europeană
E-journals / E-books
A Europe of Achievements in a Changing World-Visions of Leading Policymakers and Academics
Agricultural Commodity Markets - Outlook 2010_2019_en
Biofuels in the European Union-An Agricultural Perspective
Climate Change - The Challenges for Agriculture
Compliance Risk Management Guide for Tax Administrations
Configurarea sistemului IMI - Ghid pentru primul utilizator in cadrul unei autoritati
Education and Training for Social Inclusion - European Success Stories
EU Energy and Transport in Figures-Statistical Pocketbook
EU Rule Development Policy 2007-2013
Europe and Agriculture - together since 1957
Europe and UE - A Snapshot of EU Achievements
European Atlas of Soil Biodiversity
European Competitiveness Report 2009
European Court of Auditors - Annual Activity Report 2009
European Energy and Transport - Trends to 2030 - Update 2007
European Sectoral Social Dialogue-Recent Developments
Eurostat Publications and Databasese Mini Guide 2009
Facts and figures on the Common Fishieres Policy
Field guide languages en
Flood damage potential in Europe
Genetic Resources in Agriculture
Ghidul dvs pentru Tratatul de la Lisabona
Good practice guidance on the sustainable mobilisation of wood in Europe march 2010
How to write clearly
Industrial Relations Developments in Europe 2009
Inter-connecting Europe
Investing in our Future - The European Union's Financial Framework 2007-2013
Investing in our Regions - 150 examples of projects
Key Facts and Figures about Europe and the Europeans
Key Figures on European Business with a Special Feature on the Recession 2010 Eurostat Pocketbooks
La Politica Agricola - Comun en Detalle
Lucrand impreuna pentru zonele pescaresti din UE
Market Integration and Technological Leadership in Europe February 2010
Methodoly of Short-Term Business Statistics - Interpretation and Guidelines
Milk and Milk Products in the European Union
Monitoring and Control - Today's Market and its Evolution till 2020
Panorama Inforegio 35 Autumn 2010 - Towards Greater Social Inclusion
Photovoltaic Solar Energy-Development and Current Research-Report 2009
Principal European Economic Indicators-Statistical Guide
Public-Private Partnerships - Delivering for the European Transport Network
Quarterly Panorama of European Business Statistics 2-2010
Rural Development in the European Union-Statistical and Economic Information - Report 2009
Setting Up IMI - Guide for the First User in an Authority
Social Agenda july 2010
Speaking for Europe - Languages in the European Union
Strategies for a post-crisis world ECFIN Economic Brief July 2010
Surface Transport Researching the paths ahead
Taxation Papers - Taxation and Quality of Institutions - Asymmetric Effect of FDI - no 21 2010
Taxation Trends in the European Union
The ABC of European Union Law